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Sending, Managing & Monetizing Email

Does Your Business Go Beyond Permission Marketing?

Permission marketing is all about getting your hands on a targeted marketing list that will give your content a competitive edge. You're striving to reach the email inboxes of people who could soon become some of your most valuable customers, if they're not already. However, a problem that continues to plague many businesses is how to move beyond permission marketing in a way that will reach out to those who might not ever get the chance to hear about your business otherwise.

Social media has answered that call for many businesses. The answer lies in being able to produce excellent content for your blog or your website that your visitors will deem as shareable. Here are a few ideas to get you thinking about whether or not you have created a website that prompts your visitors to share your content with their network of friends and family members.

Social Sharing Buttons
Of course, if you have worked with a professional website developer, you probably have social sharing buttons on your website now. However, many business owners are taking advantage of the multiple free website options that are available to them, which don't always include social sharing features. Being able to share your blog posts on Facebook and Twitter gets your content out into the world. You never know who you might reach, and social media has helped take many businesses far ahead of their competitors.

Create Visual Content
One look at the expansion and popularity growth of sites like Pinterest will tell you that social media is taking a swift curve toward visual content choices. The saying, "A picture is worth a thousand words" holds a lot of weight in social media these days, and if your business produces a product or a service that is deemed to be valuable to the public, you'll do well to include graphics and pictures in your content.

Consider Using SlideShares
The SlideShares website has increased in popularity tremendously over the past few months. SlideShares will help you take advantage of your customers' partiality to visual content by generating a slideshow presentation out of a blog post. These can then be used to grow your business even more.

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Permission Marketing Must Be Transparent To Secure A Meaningful Consumer-Brand Relationship

A recent article at Forbes states that marketing is out of step with the consumer.  Businesses must understand that consumers are in control through information sharing and social media recommendations and other behaviors.  We are in an era where consumers are developing an interest in a brand’s activities.  In designing a successful permission-based marketing strategy you can leave no gaps between what you say and what you do.  Permission marketing must be transparent to secure a meaningful consumer-brand relationship.  

The First Rule Of Transparency Is To Be Open And Honest

For example, if you are a startup business, be proud of that fact and don’t try to inflate experience or financial data just to get that new customer.  It may work well in the beginning, but usually lies require more lies to cover them up.  People who feel you are being totally up front about your business will be more likely to give you permission to send them more information about your products or services.  Even if prospects turn you down, they will most likely appreciate and remember your being totally honest when you’re in a better position to serve their needs.

In Order To Be Transparent You Must Be Accessible

Can consumers contact you if they have questions or concerns?  There is simply nothing worse than arriving at a business website that does not contain clear and precise contact information.  It’s almost like the business is ashamed of being there.  Your website may contain a lot of information, but can the average consumer convert that information into knowledge?  Consumers want information, not advertising.  Remember, you’re asking total strangers to allow you to provide them more information about your company.  If they feel you are trying to trick them or hide information from them, they more than likely will not opt-in to your offer.

Building More Transparency Through Consumer Education And Engagement

You must use your website, blog, and social media to place your company in the position of being a valuable resource for consumer information.  This can be accomplished  by sharing information or just answering questions about your business or industry.  You must learn that your opinion on a topic is not the only one.  Always respect and respond to all comments or recommendations in a positive way.  Social media audiences will learn that your business cares about its customers if you will deliver your message in a way that is open, transparent, and helpful.  People want to learn more about businesses who have established their credibility.

With all the recent scandals, bailouts and financial crises that have damaged consumers’ trust in business, transparency is a critical part of conducting business.  People want to buy from those they can trust.  Injecting transparency in your permission based marketing strategy will show the humanistic side of your business. You can show that it’s not just about money and sales, but there are real people with real lives.  To be a good marketer, you must be a good listener.

RegReady is a transparent, fair and balanced customer acquisition community helping you develop true opt-in marketing lists and sales leads. We are advocates of quality customer relationships developed through permission-based marketing and education. We help you find prospects motivated to ask for more information. Contact us  today to see how it works.


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Why Permission Marketing is a Good Idea

Permission Marketing is exactly what it sounds like: marketing that is executed with the permission of the individual. A marketer initiates this relationship by asking if an individual will agree to receive emails and other marketing materials from them. Only after explicit permission is gained is the marketing cycle started.

However, the basics of permission marketing grind against everything a sales person has ever learned. In the world of sales, it is never a good idea to ask permission - a sales person must push forward and state what will happen, not ask for a favor. But in this case, the difference in approach is a strong point. Permission marketing works because it flows against the sales tide. The relationship between potential customer and marketer is approached from a friendship viewpoint. As a friend, the marketer is asking the potential customer for a favor.

Asking before sending an email or other advertisement may take a potential customer by surprise. A follow up email or brochure is expected in business and in marketing. When permission marketing is utilized, the potential customer is caught off guard. The sought out permission will leave a positive impression in the consumer's mind.

Potential customers will open an email that was sent to them through granted permission faster than a cold email. Psychologically, if permission was first requested and then granted, a person will feel more obligated to review the email. The email is expected, but it has not been pushed onto the person in any way. The customer made a commitment to allow the marketer to send to them, and therefore feels an obligation to uphold their half of the deal. An expected email also has a higher chance of skipping the spam folder. The potential customer may even add the marketer's email address to their accepted senders list to make sure that their email comes through in the future as well.

Finally, permission marketing allows marketers to assess the potential customer's interest level. If a person genuinely isn't interested in the product after a friendly conversation, the answer to the permission request will be no. If the answer is no, the marketer will be able to focus efforts on those who said yes, and therefore avoid wasted resources on someone who will not be working with the company.


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Marketers Split on the Practice of Permission Marketing

According to our recent survey, Perceptions of Permission,  marketers are split on the actual practice of permission marketing with 45% of marketers indicating they do practice permission marketing and 44% admitting that they don't.  11% of respondents did not answer this question.  Joined with other statistics from the survey, there's a clear split between marketers' attitudes and practices with permission marketing.  

Source: Determining Perceptions of Marketing Permission Impact Marketing Success


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Consumers Overwhelmingly Against Online Tracking

85% of consumers feel strongly or somwhat strongly that companies should not track their online behavior for marketing purposes.  Women are 24% more concerned about their behavior being tracked online than men.

Source: Determining Perceptions of Marketing Permission Impact Marketing Success


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