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Reduce Your Cost Per Lead With Inbound Marketing Techniques
Business Blogging Will Expand Your Inbound Marketing Efforts
By creating an effective business blog, you can greatly expand your inbound marketing efforts while also improving SEO. The major search engines reward sites with fresh content by giving them a better position in search results. By providing fresh and relevant content on a regular basis, you can establish yourself as an expert by providing information people want and need. Your blog gives you one more place to use promotional tools like free giveaways, webinars, and social networking. You can place your message in front of interested consumers who will actually come to you, rather than being forced to chase after them. Creating a blog and keeping it current does require time, however. Since time may be your most valuable asset, you may consider outsourcing your blog to a business blogging service.
Social Media Builds Relationships Before And After The Sale
You are probably using social media sites like, Facebook, Twitter, Google +, or LinkedIn already, but you may not be using these sites to your maximum marketing advantage. Just as your inbound marketing efforts are focused on converting leads to customers, you must also understand that a good lead management program must also focus on keeping the customer after a sale is made. Social media should be used to build relationships with customers before and after the sale. You are building brand awareness, exchanging ideas, and establishing trust and confidence in the minds of consumers. If people like what they see, there is a strong possibility they will share their experience with their friends. Word-of-mouth is some of the best advertising and will likely result in permission-based leads that are absolutely free of cost.
Content Marketing Is The Cornerstone Of Inbound Marketing
Great content must always be the cornerstone of your inbound marketing and lead generation efforts. You must have current, relevant, and informative content that will bring people into your sales process, instead of you having to go after them. Your website must be optimized to close leads and engage visitors once they arrive. Your content marketing efforts must leverage your best writing in ways that provide information people are looking for in the ways they want to receive it. Once people opt-in to an offer, you can deliver your message in a way that is important and relevant to them.
Inbound marketing allows you to create a useful informative website, blog, and social media presence in ways that aren’t interrupting your audience to get their attention. Instead of reaching out to cold and potentially unqualified leads, leads come to you.
RegReady is a transparent, fair and balanced customer acquisition community helping you develop true opt-in marketing lists and sales leads. We are advocates of quality customer relationships developed through permission-based marketing and education. We help you find prospects motivated to ask for more information. Contact us today to see how it works.
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