The From Line

Sending, Managing & Monetizing Email

Michael Weisel serves as Chief Technology Officer and is the architect of Gold Lasso’s systems and product development. He is responsible for all technology related decisions and specializes in email delivery and systems management.

What can cause a nick in your online reputation?

I tweeted this information yesteray but thought I would put it all in one place so it's easier to read.  There are many items besides the 8 I listed below, but this was just to get my creative writing juices flowing again.  I will be adding on to this list over time.

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Debunking 13 Email Deliverability Myths to Help You Succeed

The below information has been gathered from countless hours of assisting our clients with their day-to-day deliverability needs.  A lot of research and hands-on experience has gone in to debunking these very common deliverability myths.  Unlike when Geraldo uncovered a big goose egg in Al Capone’s vault, I’m hoping that these revelations will help you boost your deliverability and provide necessary information to lead you to success.

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ISP Deliverability Information - FBL, Postmaster, and Much More

As a precursor to this post, If you are a Gold Lasso client all of the feedback loops listed in this article (minus rackspace and Open SRS which are in the works) are activated in your eLoop account.  *Yahoo!'s FBL is a premium service that can be activated by contacting your account rep or by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

As I'm putting the finishing touches on one of the three blog posts that I have been working on, I took a side step to publish this list.  I have been compiling this list for a while of ISP information and noticed that it would come in handy for my upcoming post regarding email deliverability myths.  This list includes ISP information and links to their feedback loops and who operates them, bulk sender forms, RBL (Real-time Black Lists) lookups and removal forms.

NOTE: This list is a work in progress and if you have any information you would like to see added, please send me a message and I will include it and of course give you credit.

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Email marketing made me do it, not social media. The dissection of a one day sale.

Good timing, I needed a few new shirts!... Here is another real-life experience that prompted me to purchase something from an email message.

Over this past weekend, I noticed that I really needed a few new shirts. I NEVER shop for myself, probably because I live in a house full of girls (even my dog is female) and I know that I’ll need to save BIGTIME for the teenage years. I wear jeans to work every day so I don't need a fancy wardrobe. I received an email from Old Navy on Monday morning. This email hit me when I was getting desperate, almost like they knew I needed those shirts. Maybe this is a new kind of personalization where they have a vision of what’s in my closet and how long it's been there. The email spoke to me – well, it spoke to my wallet. The subject line was clear "30% off TODAY ONLY! Plus, FREE Shipping Every Day!" I got the message on my iPhone so I clicked on the link for "Men" and I was greeted with a VERY mobile friendly catalog of items. In a matter of seconds I found exactly what I was looking for. My only problem is that I'm a hands on kind of guy so I knew that I needed to go to the store if I wanted to purchase these shirts. Lucky for me it wasn't an online only sale which was also clearly stated in the email. Plus, I knew that my wardrobe couldn't wait much longer even if it was free shipping , I needed the instant gratification. I left my office a little early and headed over to the mall. On my way over I called the store to find out which entrance they were closest to. This way, I could minimize my time at the mall and avoid my temptations of going to the Apple store, after all I was on a time limit. I was greeted by the woman on the other end who promptly reiterated the“today only” sale which was a nice reinforcement. When I arrived at the store there was plenty of signage both inside and outside the store also focusing on the sale. I quickly found the shirts that I was looking for, tried them on and proceeded to the checkout. The woman at the checkout was friendly and asked me if I had seen the TV Ad after the Superbowl. I told her that I hadn't but I did receive the email that morning which was what got me in to the store. She was excited about that and commented that she didn't have to ask me if I wanted to join their mailing list now.

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How well will Whole Foods do with their "One Day Deal" for today?

Last night while talking to my Dad about my daughter’s incredible ability to demolish sushi, he asked me about an email that he had sent me earlier today from Whole Foods (@WholeFoods on Twitter).  I hadn’t seen it yet so I looked while we were talking.  It was their “One Day Deals” email that my Mom received earlier in the day.  My Dad forwarded it to me because he knows how much my family loves Vitaminwater (@vitaminwater on twitter) and it looked like a great deal.  After reading the email, I disagreed, it wasn’t a great deal it was a FANTASTIC deal, 50 cents a bottle.  This is one third of the regular price per bottle.  Now I only buy Vitaminwater when it’s on sale for a dollar a bottle (I stopped buying it at Costco because although the price is a little less per bottle, the selection in the big packs were not what my family enjoyed) so this was something I would jump at.

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