The From Line

Sending, Managing & Monetizing Email
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In the coming weeks...

If you haven't signed up for the next eLoop5 training, here is a link to the September 21st 2:00 pm session.  We will be covering a TON of e5 features as well as giving updates on the features listed in this post.
We are pretty excited about this list of new features for many reasons but mostly because we believe they will help you to reach your subscribers better and more efficiently.  These new features will be rolled out over the next few weeks so keep an eye out for new blog posts and emails announcing them.


New and improved Preference Pages - We have been doing a lot of research and testing with regards to preferences and since completely revamped the Preference Pages.  This means more options for your subscribers which equals less list attrition.  Studies show that if you give your subscribers more choices they are less likely to opt-out of your mailings.  The new layout allows for high level customization including the ability to opt in and out of lists, easily add images, the ability to modify the subscribers email address, and much much more.

One click unsubscribe "Real Remove" - You can now have a one click unsubscribe in the footer of your messages.  This will help reduce the number of complaints by offering a quick, easy to use, no questions asked removal from your mailings.
Multiple Footers with social media integration - You will soon have the ability to apply footers based on messages.  For instance, if you have 5 brands, you will be able to have a different footer for each one.  On top of that, you will be able to easily and effortlessly add links to your social media sites for each individual footer.
Export subscribers from reports - Plain and simple: those pretty little "Export to Excel" buttons will now work.  This should be finished by the end of the week and will go into production early next week.

Subscribers from hyperlinked stats will show subscriber record - All subscriber email addresses will be hyperlinked to the subscribers records.  This means that from any place in the application you can view a list of subscribers and will be able to drill down to the individual  record without having to search for them.
Campaign Report Charts will match the other charts throughout the application - Because we are perfectionists here at Gold Lasso, we weren't satisfied with the first set of charts that we chose.  We researched and researched to find a better, more powerful reporting engine that offers better printability.  We are finishing up rolling the new reports out to the last few sections of eLoop.
Social media campaign integration - In addition to our AddThis integration which is embedded into your message, you will soon have the ability to tweet and post links to your messages directly to FaceBook or Twitter when launching campaigns.  This will be a campaign level option allowing you to post your subject line, hyperlink and other attributes.
As always, if you have any questions or comments about these new features, please drop us an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or better yet, post it in GL Jive so the whole GL community can chime in.


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