The From Line

Sending, Managing & Monetizing Email

Trend: Email Metrics Ease Multi Channel Integration

It has long been understood that pointing all your company’s marketing efforts in one direction will not yield the best possible results. Most recently, multichannel integration has included both online and offline mediums, but not without a significant amount of confusion. A recent STRATA study found that “more than half of US media buyers said less than 25% of their clients are running online and offline integrated campaigns” and even more surprisingly, one in four media buyers didn’t have a single client employing a multichannel strategy. This could be attributed to the fact that it is a considerably more complex process to measure the combined ROI of a multichannel marketing campaign. A Mckinsey Consulting study suggested that “onlines confusing and incompatible set of metrics may be most at fault” for the low percentage of marketers making use of a multichannel campaign as well as the “challenges with measuring overall investment”. Marketers are getting lost and instead of utilizing the tools available to them, they are shying away from integration all together. This doesn’t have to be the case. There is an easier way to integrate online and offline. Email is the one channel that will help immediately while providing rich customer metrics. An effective email marketing campaign can help solve the problem of origination as well as track the results of a particular campaign and compound its positive effects by layering impressions across multiple channels.

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Did You Know? Action Based Messaging (ABM) - Stop creating new lists - follow up based on subscriber actions

With eLoop 5’s Action-Based Messaging (ABM) feature, your business’s marketing can become more dynamic and versatile with a few easy steps.

Key benefits of ABM's include:

  • micro target based on subscribers behavior
  • automatic follow up based on extremely specific criteria
  • message triggering based on any subscriber action or inaction
  • gather data based on your customer preferences and respond accordingly
  • increase personalization
  • enhance lead nurturing during specific points in your sales cycle

As a marketing professional, you are constantly under pressure to maintain and improve your customer engagement. It is no longer acceptable to blindly blast messages and assume the job of retaining that subscriber is done.

Enter eLoop5's Action Based Messaging feature:….
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Trend: Opt In vs Opt Out Lists: Is the gap closing?

Not so fast. There is a better way…

It has long been accepted as an industry standard that list purchasing is a big no-no. However, as we know, there is always an exception to the rule. I came across a recent ClickZ study that looked into one company’s journey with a purchased list of email addresses. The results were unexpected, to say the least. The company sent the same message at the same time to two separate lists, one organic and one purchased. For all comparisons but one, the opt-in subscribers yielded better results. But when it came to the click-to-open rate, the data from 2010 to 2011 was quite surprising. There was only a 6% gap between opt-in and opt-out click-to-open rates in 2011. So what does this mean? Well, it looks like consumer habits are changing to reflect the shift in marketing to the email inbox. It’s possible that customers are becoming more trusting of senders, even if they don’t recognize them. I’d venture to guess that consumers have more confidence in the purity of messages that appear in their inbox, mostly due to recent SPAM laws and email filtering/importance ranking. Yes, these are intriguing results, but remember, this was only one study of one campaign sent by one company. 
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Did You Know? Every eLoop user experience can be customized!

Make the most of your employees time in eLoop.

Our customizable Roles Feature allows a unique experience for each member or team within your company.

Let your employees focus on what they do best! Graphic designers can have access to message creation and editing, while your sales teams are busy analyzing campaign reports. We have already created several default roles to get you started, but don't worry! If you don't see a role that fits your needs, you can create as many custom profiles as you like. 

-User Roles:

• Administrator: The Administrator is the master user and has access to all features of eLoop including account settings and administrating user roles. If you would like to assign a user a large number of features and limit your security risk you should use the Project Manager role.

• Project manager: Project Managers have access to almost all eLoop features except account settings and administering user roles.

• Graphic designer: Graphic Designers have access only to modules related content such as the content library, messages, templates, and forms.

• List manager: List Managers have access only to modules related to lists and data.

• Account/client executive: Clients and Account Executives have access only to dashboards and reports.

• Custom: customize any users role to fit their/your company’s needs

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Trend: Advanced Solutions are Lead Choice among Email Marketers


Impressive increase in ROI is attributed to advanced email features. 
A recent study from Marketing Sherpa asked a thousand email marketers about the services they use to build their email campaigns. Over 40% of those polled said they take advantage of an “advanced web based system” that’s customizable and includes advanced reporting features and unique IP addresses. This is not surprising; marketers are finally realizing the potential of a sophisticated email marketing campaign and are unlocking emails ROI by using advanced features.
I love reading studies like this, especially since email is often seen as the “cheap” way to market online. It would be easy to be insulted by the connotation; however, the meaning of “cheap” as it applies to email marketing has changed drastically. It is not cheap because it has the lowest initial cost compared to other mediums; it is cheap because it has the highest ROI, attributed directly to marketers making use of their ESP’s advanced features. It would appear that marketers are finally catching on to this shift and are altering their budgets accordingly. They have finally seen the value that a sophisticated and customizable email solution brings to their marketing program and are reaping the rewards it produces. 
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